Tuesday, August 18, 2009



Tony DiStefano said...

I go to a lot of artist blogs and often enough I'll leave a comment if I like someones work. But often I dont comment even if I like somthing.I go to your blog for inspiration and just for the pure joy of seeing these creations. I was not going to comment on your soldier but man I had to.Of course theres Hanna-Barera influence. Thats a given. And a grand one it is becouse if you were around then ,you would of been working along side Benedict (although he free lanced),Dan Gorden, Bickenbach and Takamoto. But I also see Marc Davis, and Kimball.This soldier has the flavor of the prelimanary artwork to Disneyland especially in the way that its painted( marker,ink color pencil?) The feathers on his hat are so good! Alright Iv'e taken up enough space. Keep it comming Kid!



Hey Tony--Your generous and very kind comments mean a lot to me. I thank you so very, very much. You are absolutely correct in your identification of the art tools I used to create this image. You've got a keen eye, man!

KW said...

beeeyooootiful! He'd make a good 60s cereal box mascot, like "Napolios." Maybe not that since it has "polio" in it, but something!


KW--Thank you, Sir! I salute you.

Brad said...

Um actually I think my comment would say EXACTLY what Tony's says. I couldn't have written it better myself. I am so glad I found your blog, you are one hell of a character designer, and I love that you are still drawing on paper!!!